Getting the best deal with BFS

Posted on December 24, 2017 by Ilya


Imagine you are in France and you have many euros (EUR). In a week, you will be in China and you want to have yuans (CNY), but before going to China you will pass by US. Is it better to exchange your EUR to CNY directly or first exchange them to USD and then exchance USD to CNY? It depends. In general, I might have capital in many currencies \(v \in V = \{\text{USD}, \text{EUR}, \text{CNY},...\}\) and many possible exchange pairs can be availabe \(p \in E \subseteq V^2\) e.g. \((\text{USD}, \text{CNY})\) from USD to CNY. \(r: V^2 \to \mathbb{R}\) gives exchange rate for a pair. You want to exchange \(v_1\) to \(v_2\) (both \(\in V\)), your rate (exchange fee adjusted) if exchanging directly, is \(r(p_2)\) where \(p_2=(v_1, v_2)\). What is the best sequence of possibly indirect exchanges?

This is a path optimization problem on a graph (\(G=(V, E)\)) of all available exchanges.

Let say I do \(n\) exchange transactions. I want to find a sequence of \(p_1, p_2,...,p_n\) (\(p_i=(v_{i-1}, v_i)\)) so that my capital after these transactions is maximized. My capital \(C_i\) after i-th transaction (in corresponding currency): \[C_{i} = C_{i-1} r(p_{i}) = C_{i-1} r_i\] After \(n\) transactions, my initial capital \(C_0\) changes as: \[C_n = C_0 \cdot r_1 \cdot r_2 \cdot ... \cdot r_n \] \[\frac{C_n}{C_0} = r_1 \cdot r_2 \cdot ... \cdot r_n \]

I want to maximize this ratio.

To sum up:


Find sequence of \(p_1, p_2,...,p_n\) (\(p_i=(v_{i-1}, v_i)\)) so that
\(Q(p_1, p_2,...,p_n) = \prod_{i=1}^n r(p_i)\) is maximized.

Getting hands dirty with Python 3

Unfortunatelly, Dijkstra’s algorithm is not good for this problem as \(Q\) can go both up and down with the increase of \(n\). If the number of currency pairs is not large, one can use good old Breadth-first search (BFS) to find all paths and then take the one with the lowest \(Q\).

I am going to use cryptocurrency exchange pairs from Bitfinex.

But first, some imports:

import urllib.request
import json
import queue
import pandas as pd
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial, reduce

import operator
from time import sleep

Getting data from bitfinex using their public API:

def get(url):
    with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as r:
        data = json.loads(
        return pd.Series(data)

def get_symbols_bitfinex(
        url = ''):
    return get(url)

def getDfBitFinex(

    def delayedGet(symbol, wait=wait):
        # Bitfinex limits # of API requests per unit time
        r = get(url+symbol).to_frame().T
        return r

    df = pd.concat(map(delayedGet, symbols),
    return df

Build a graph of exchange pairs:

def symbolsToDictGraph(symbols):
    edges = list(map(lambda x: (x[:3], x[-3:]), symbols))

    graph = {}

    def addFT(graph, f, t):
        if f in graph.keys():
            graph[f] = [t]

    for edge in edges:
        addFT(graph, edge[0], edge[1])
        addFT(graph, edge[1], edge[0])

    return graph

Define function that determines exchange rate \(r\):

def getRateWithFees(df, f, t, fee=0.002):
    """Get weight of an edge"""
    tf = f+t
    ft = t+f
    ss = set(df.columns.get_level_values(0))
    if ft in ss: # I am buying
        p = 1.0 / float(df[ft]['ask'])
    elif tf in ss: # I am selling
        p = float(df[tf]['bid'])
        raise ValueError()
    return p * (1-fee)

Abstract graph as a class:

class WeightedGraph():
    def __init__(self):
        self.get_weight = lambda f,t: 1
        self._graph = {}
    def from_dict_and_func(self, graph, weightsFunc):
        new = deepcopy(self)
        new.get_weight = weightsFunc
        new._graph = graph
        return new
    def get_neighbours(self, node):
        return self._graph[node]

To find all paths with BFS:

def allPathsBFS(graph, start_node, goal_node):
    paths = queue.Queue()
    good_paths = []

    while not paths.empty():
        path = paths.get()

        current_node = path[-1]
        if current_node == goal_node:
            for next_node in graph.get_neighbours(current_node):
                if next_node not in path:
                    paths.put(path + [next_node])
    return good_paths

To find all loops with BFS (to check if it is possible to do round trip exchange and make money):

def allLoopsBFS(graph, start_node):
    paths = queue.Queue()
    good_paths = []

    while not paths.empty():
        path = paths.get()
        current_node = path[-1]
        for next_node in graph.get_neighbours(current_node):
            if next_node == start_node:
                good_paths.append(path + [next_node])
                if next_node not in path:
                    paths.put(path + [next_node])
    return good_paths

Compute \(Q\) and find a path minimizing \(Q\):

def walkPathAndReduce(wgraph, path, how=operator.add):
    costs = map(wgraph.get_weight, path[:-1], path[1:])
    return reduce(how, costs)

def getPathsSortedByReducedWeight(wgraph, paths, how=operator.mul):
    pathReducer = partial(walkPathAndReduce, wgraph, how=how)
    pathConversion = list(zip(paths,
                              map(pathReducer, paths)))
    # sort by conversion coefficient (the larger the better)
    pathConversionSorted = sorted(pathConversion,
                                  key=lambda x: x[1],
    return pathConversionSorted

def bestLoop(wgraph, curr):
    loops = allLoopsBFS(wgraph, curr)
    return max(getPathsSortedByReducedWeight(wgraph, loops),
               key=lambda x:x[1])

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #symbols = ["BTCUSD", "BTCEUR", "ETHUSD", "ETHBTC"]
    symbols = get_symbols_bitfinex().str.upper().values.tolist()

    def isFavourite(symbol):
        favourite_coins =\
            [ 'BTC', 'BCH', 'ETH', 'ETC', 'XRP'
            , 'XMR', 'LTC', 'DASH'
            , 'ZEC', 'NEO', 'IOTA', 'EOS'
            , 'USD', 'EUR'
        return symbol[:3] in favourite_coins and\
               symbol[3:] in favourite_coins
    symbols = list(filter(isFavourite, symbols))

    print(symbols, "\n")

    graph = symbolsToDictGraph(symbols)

    # Load price data for each symbol and make weighted graph
    # Load
    df = getDfBitFinex(symbols, wait=0.5)
    # Weight
    wgraph = WeightedGraph().from_dict_and_func(graph, partial(getRateWithFees, df))

    allSimplePaths = allPathsBFS(wgraph, f, t)
    pathConversionSorted = getPathsSortedByReducedWeight(
            wgraph, allSimplePaths)

    withMaxConversion = pathConversionSorted[0]
    print("Best path:")
    print( withMaxConversion[0] )


    for curr in ["USD", "EUR"]:
        print(bestLoop(wgraph, curr))

    #nwSP = list(nx.all_simple_paths(g, f, t))
    #print( nwSP )
    #assert sorted(list(map(lambda x: x[0], pathConversion))) == sorted(nwSP)


Running this we get:


   BTCUSD                                                   LTCUSD
      ask     bid last_price      mid             timestamp    ask
0  7500.9  7500.0     7500.0  7500.45  1517950610.895018287  137.0

  last_price      mid             timestamp          ...
0      137.0  136.965  1517950611.552708965          ...

        bid last_price        mid         timestamp      ask      bid
0  0.013108   0.013108  0.0131395  1517950628.06685  0.13019  0.12999

  last_price      mid             timestamp
0    0.12999  0.13009  1517950628.738781986

[1 rows x 115 columns]
Best path:
['ETH', 'USD', 'XRP', 'BTC']


(['USD', 'XRP', 'BTC', 'USD'],
(['EUR', 'BTC', 'EUR'], 0.9958555101378213)


  • It is hard to make money doing round trip exchanges.
  • The best path is not always straight.